Apr 15, 2013

When Compassion Calls

Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't like scary movies. Sometimes, I don't even like action movies. Still to this day, I always get asked, "Come on, Diana. It's just a movie. What's the big deal?" I'm sure you're wondering the same thing.

Well, while watching those movies, I cover my eyes or hide behind my popcorn because I can't help but put myself in the character's shoes and feel their pain or fear. Yes, it's an acted-out scene, but it's an emotion I can empathize and it hurts my heart.

So, imagine how that same hurting in my heart translates to true stories in the news. I read the news daily - several times during the day actually from different sources. And everyday, without fail, there is a story about innocent lives lost or hurt.

From Sandy Hook to Rehtaeh Parsons, these stories bring me to tears. I close my eyes, put my hands over my face, and cry to myself as I read about the beautiful children and educators that lost their lives in Newtown, Connecticut. How they must have felt in that moment, how their parents and family are feeling right now, how someone could do such a thing - it all just hurts.

And this feeling, this pain in my chest, it means something.

I know that I am definitely not the only person out there that feels the hurt. In the midst of these tragedies, social media fires up with prayers, sad reactions, and big opinions... I know you feel it too.

This hurting of the heart, this compassion, is a calling to do something. Big or small, it calls us to just take a step and make a change for the better. 

I can't help but care for others - family, friends, and strangers.  Especially as a parent, I feel responsible to put in the effort, to contribute to this world that I will one day leave. One day, I won't be here, but my child will - and I want him to be happy, healthy, and safe. And the more I think about it, I want that same thing for all the other people on this earth.

This hurt, these tears, this compassion, this love... where do I begin? It's so easy to feel like a little speck of dust in the middle of issues so complicated. This is my next challenge: to think and research and find out how exactly I can make a positive, effective, educated change.

You and I, we may never be super heros or world leaders, but that doesn't mean we can't be agents of positive change. That doesn't mean we can't help and protect others. So, when your heart hurts, take the time to think about it: What is your heart calling you to do? How can you make a difference?

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