Parenting is wondrous. It's a roller coaster ride that has you feeling awesome, scared, and nauseous - yet it's such an amazing ride that's worth going on over and over again. That's where Carter and I are at. It's the age three, an age that kind of made me scared in the beginning since there seems to be an ominous warning from parents that nĂºmero tres is worse than the terrible twos. We are facing some serious whining at times as well as a potty phobia. But we're also squeezing in lots of giggles.
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For instance, the other day, I was playing an upbeat song in the car and Carter said, "Look Mommy! I'm dancing with my tummy!" as he pushed his stomach in and out. He wore a huge smile while he excitedly showed me that he could dance even while tightly strapped into his car seat.
Or how about the goofiness that ensues when Carter sits on the bed as I dance, sing, and act out "Do Re Mi!" from The Sound of Music. My silly routine ends off with a wobbly, dizzied fall to the ground which gets us both laughing hysterically.
There are also cute moments when Carter says "Nice face, Mommy" or "You're my best friend" or "Tell Daddy to stop working." The affection kills me.
And of course, you can't forget the toddler one-liners that are funny in a how-did-you-come-up-with-that way: "The great Carter knows EVERYTHING!!!"
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Like I said, parenting rocks. It's never easy nor perfect and there may be moments in the day when you just want to pull every hair off your head, but nevertheless it is worth it. Everyday, Carter brightens my life in ways that always surprise me and I try to instill as much love as I can into my little boy's heart like he does to mine.
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